End Of September Ramblings ~

Hello Peoples! September was a good month. The temperatures are cooler, we’re enjoying our firepit in our backyard and I’ve been out walking, visiting the bakery and savoring hot chocolate. I made banana nut bread this week. I used a new recipe and we both liked it, so I’m going to make it again and again.

I love autumn and Thanksgiving. I don’t decorate for Halloween at all; however, I do decorate for autumn and Thanksgiving. This month, I have decorated with a few items, but not everything. I’m taking my time. Yesterday I found a scarecrow I like, so I bought it to add to our autumn decor. I also bought a great table runner for Thanksgiving. I have autumn scented candles. I love autumn colors. Aren’t pumpkins great? I haven’t bought any yet, but I will. Pumpkins are such a wonderful splash of color. The bakery has a tasty pumpkin chocolate chip tea cake I look forward to every autumn. So yummy. The pumpkin breads are the only thing pumpkin I eat. I don’t do any pumpkin drinks.

Books I’ve Read The Last Two Weeks Of September ~

Arabella by Georgette Heyer

Buffalo West Wing by Julie Hyzy

A White House Chef Mystery

Your Favorites At The Cottage ~

Arabella by Georgette Heyer ~ September 26, 2022

Good Morning ~ Violin and Piano ~ September 18, 2022

Weekend ~ September 26, 2022

Now it’s your turn. Do you decorate for autumn? Do you enjoy pumpkin drinks? Share your ideas in the comments.

Much love ~


Arabella by Georgette Heyer

Arabella is a charming and delightful story. Right at the start we meet Arabella and her spirited and lively family. I fell in love with all of them, and there are quite a few. The “season” will be starting soon in London, and it is very much hoped that Arabella’s godmother will invite Arabella to her home and assist her in every way possible for her coming out. Arabella being from a large family and her father the Vicar, money is a concern. However, Mother has been planning for a long time. The invitation from the godmother arrives, preparations are made, and Arabella is off to London for the season.

On the journey to London, Arabella, meets Robert Beaumaris, when her carriage breaks down and she is stranded near his hunting lodge. He invites her into his lodge and entertains her whilst the carriage is repaired. You guessed it! He’s rich! Really rich! She lies and informs Robert Beaumaris she is an heiress. Well! Before you know it, she is the talk of London. Arabella is an heiress. This is quite a story. Mr. Beaumaris isn’t easily deceived. He’s a great guy! I liked him.

This book is for anyone who would like to read a fun and likable story! Arabella isn’t the swooning type, and she doesn’t get the vapors, however, she is tender-hearted and impetuous. The author whisks the reader off to London on a great adventure. Highly recommend!

Happy Reading!

The Weekend ~

Hello Peoples! On Saturday we did a few hours of puppysitting. That’s right we puppysat a 16-week-old half Great Pyrenees and half Komondor. He resembles the Great Pyrenees. His name is Gilbert and he is the sweetest most loving puppy in the world. πŸ€— He’s all white and has big paws. It was a great day. The weather was perfect. Rick started the fire in our firepit, and we were outside, in our backyard all day with Gilbert. Rick took him for a walk three times and Gilbert loved it!

We watched The Scarlet Clue (1945). Sidney Toler played Charlie Chan and Benson Fong was Charlie’s number three son Tommy.

The setting in The Scarlet Clue is a radio station. Charlie is called upon to investigate stolen government radar papers. The laboratory is in the same building as the radio station. One of Charlie’s many children are usually on hand to “help” Charlie and keep him out of trouble. *haha* In this film Tommy was on hand to help. It’s a good mystery. Not my favorite though.

Autumn is here and it is chilly in the early mornings, evening and during the night. I love autumn!

Much love ~


The Last Book I . . . Book Tag ~

Hello Peoples! I found this fun book tag over at Jana’s blog. The link is below ~


Hop on over to her blog and check her out. Are you already following her??? Good. πŸ˜€

It is my understanding that this tag originated on Instagram, however, no one knows who the creator is anymore. This was a fun tag to read on Jana’s blog, so, I’m looking forward to answering the questions.


The Wall by Mary Roberts Rinehart


84 Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff

I watched the movie first and I really enjoyed it, so I borrowed the book and read it!


Tarzan and the City of Gold by Edgar Rice Burroughs

I really enjoy the Tarzan books. A friend, knowing I like Tarzan gave me the City of Gold and another one. I haven’t read them yet, but I will.


Driftwood Dreams by T. I. Lowe


Arabella by Georgette Heyer


Episode of the Wandering Knife by Mary Roberts Rinehart


A Pale Horse by Charles Todd

An Ian Rutledge Mystery

I gave The Episode of the Wandering Knife and A Pale Horse both five stars each. I didn’t want to put the same book twice in a row, so I included A Pale Horse.


The Brontes Wild Genius on the Moors

The Story of Three Sisters by Juliet Barker

I really enjoyed the book. I read half of it, but it was so large I returned it. I plan to finish it sometime in the future.


Among The Mad by Jacqueline Winspear

A Maisie Dobbs Novel

I listened to several of her books.

If you would like to participate in this tag, feel free to do so.

Happy Reading!

Much love ~


First Two Weeks of September ~

Hello Peoples! It’s the middle of September! WOW! 😲 And! I know you are eagerly awaiting the morsels of insight I share with you each time I blog, so, here I am. Once again ~ blogging! πŸ˜‰ Morsels of insight to follow!

September is such a nice month. The temperatures, although warm at times, it is so much cooler here now. I’ve been at home the past few days because I have stitches and a bandage. If I go out, after a few dozen concerned people ask, why do you have a bandage on your face, I don’t really want to explain.

Books I Read the First Two Weeks of September ~

A Pale Horse by Charles Todd

An Ian Rutledge Mystery

Episode of the Wandering Knife by Mary Roberts Rinehart

Tomorrow The Grace by R. J. Nello

84 Charing Cross Road by Helene Hanff

I am surprised I’ve read four books already!

Charlie Chan Quote ~

As many of you know, I watch Charlie Chan movies! Charlie Chan is not only known for being a great detective, but he is also known, at least by me, as saying funny quotes, quips and sayings. The following quote is from, Charlie Chan In The Secret Service (1944).

“Detective without curiosity like glass eye at keyhole. No good.” Charlie Chan

Very insightful Charlie!

Have a great day!

Much love ~


Courage ~

Hello Peoples! Life is always interesting. Yes, it is! πŸ™„ I went to our doctor asking her to remove a mole. It was a little one, but it was on my face and bugging me, so off with it’s head! Our doctor sent me to a dermatologist. Yesterday, I courageously marched into the dermatologist’s clinic to have her take a gander at the wretched mole. Well, let me tell you, I have the courage of the Cowardly Lion.

The Wizard of Oz (1939)

I was VERY nervous. The nurse called me into the exam room. I noticed right away it resembled a surgical room. I was immediately suspicious. Mmm. I do believe she asked me if I or anyone in my family had ever had any of these 10,000 skin problems. She listed them one by one. I replied, No, no, no, no, no, no, etc.

She was very nice and after she asked me all the questions she needed answering, she said the doctor would be in soon. Thirty seconds later, the doctor entered. She introduced herself and then proceeded to examine said, irritating mole. Suddenly and unexpectedly, she said,

Doctor: Let’s do this. Right now.

Me: WHAT???

Doctor: Well, it’s small and I can do it now.

Me: OH! Ok. I just thought we would schedule an appointment for the surgery.

Doctor: No need. Let me get a few items and I’ll be right back.

Once the doctor and her nurse were ready, they kept telling me to keep my eyes closed. Well! I wasn’t going to open my eyes for anything. My eyes couldn’t be pried open.😲

The nurse injected the area. That did hurt some, but I can do this! Then the injection sight felt like it was the size of a baseball. They removed said mole, gave me a couple of stitches and a bandage. I wanted a Scooby or Snoopy bandage, but I got a plan old boring bandage. I was finished. They both gave me instructions for care, and I went home.

It hurt like blazes when the medication wore off, but I took pain meds for that. All in all it wasn’t a bad experience. The doctor and her nurse were very nice. I am glad she did the deed right away. I didn’t have time to think about it and freak out! *haha*

Have a great day!

Much love ~


The Classics Club ~ Episode of the Wandering Knife by Mary Roberts Rinehart

Episode of the Wandering Knife by Mary Roberts Rinehart is a collection of three short stories ~ mysteries! They were all good and I highly recommend all three.

In the first mystery, Episode of the Wandering Knife, while attending a party of 300 people, a woman is stabbed. The police are seriously questioning her husband. There is a tassel on a silver chain, a knife and a photograph as clues. For an inanimate object, that knife sure gets around. Oh yes, I don’t want to forget the mysterious man named King. He’s an enigma. It’s an excellent mystery and I did not solve it. I thought the family of the victim was entertaining and the story seemed to have a light-hearted quality. Although there were moments when the reader is creeping stealth-like in the dark with a character in the story. Good mystery. The conclusion might surprise you.

The Man Who Hid His Breakfast is the second mystery. A woman is strangled around 3:00 in the morning and the evidence seems to point to her daughter. The Inspector is a good man and has many years of experience. In fact, this is his last case. He will be retiring. With a bellowing commissioner at headquarters, the Inspector perseveres and solves the crime. Good mystery!

The third and final mystery is The Secret. Tony is a troubled young woman. She’s been acting strangely, and her family thinks she’s crazy. Tony was engaged to be married and quite suddenly the wedding is canceled, leaving the groom and everyone else puzzled and wanting an explanation. Odd behavior and silence is the order of the day with Tony. She isn’t happy and there is no indication that this strange and stressful situation will get any better. The family lived in Hawaii when Pearl Harbor was attacked, and her relatives suspect Tony’s odd behavior and choices have something to do with her experience at Pearl Harbor. Inspector Fuller has been interested in this troubling situation for a while. When a family member falls down the stairway, he speaks with Hilda, a nurse. She agrees to go undercover into the home and investigate while caring for the lady who tumbled down the stairs.

I was totally and completely puzzled. I had no idea what was troubling Tony. It was a good mystery. Hilda does solve the mystery! I did not.

I kept these three reviews brief because they are short stories, and I didn’t want to create spoilers. All three stories are well written. Happy Reading!


The Classic’s Club ~ My Antonia by Willa Cather

Great Plains Trilogy #3

Jim Burden loses his parents when he is a young boy. He travels to Nebraska, by train, to live with his grandparents on their farm. The conditions on the prairie are harsh and untamed. Many of their neighbors live in sod homes. The neighbors are interesting and immigrated from a variety of countries. A Bohemian family arrive, not speaking any English. It is rough going for the Shimerda family. They live in poverty, without proper clothing and existing in a less than desirable home. Antonia is a daughter of this family. Jim and his grandparents being the closest neighbor, Jim soon meets Antonia, they become friends and he teaches her English. The work on the farm is tough, and the weather is harsh and extreme. I never liked Antonia and her family, but the author has created a strong character in Antonia. She farmed the land and took care of her family just like the men did. She persevered. Her endurance was remarkable, and she didn’t care what the neighbors thought of her doing the work of a man. She suffered through some difficult situations but always pulled through and continued on.

Jim does grow up and he goes off the college. Many years later, when Antonia is married and has children of her own, he visits Antonia.

“The eyes that peered anxiously at me were — simply Antonia’s eyes. I had seen no others like them since I looked into them last, though I had looked at so many thousands of human faces. As I confronted her, the changes grew less apparent to me, her identity stronger. She was there, in full vigor of her personality, battered but not diminished, looking at me, speaking to me in the husky, breathy voice I remembered so well.” (p. 199).

This story is a great look at life on the prairie, the harsh conditions, the well-described colorful seasons, the hopes, the joys, sorrows, grief and enduring life of these determined people.

Of the three books in this series, O Pioneers!, The Song of the Lark and My Antonio, O Pioneers! is my favorite, but I highly recommend all three books. They are so well-written!

Happy Reading!


It’s September ~

Hello Peoples! Welcome September. 🎈 I think the hummingbirds are migrating. We had several in our backyard enjoying the drink in our hummingbird feeders. Now they’re gone. Safe trip! They’ll return next year.

I met a friend at a coffee shop this morning. We had a good visit. I never drink coffee. I had a hot chocolate. She had icy tea.

Yesterday I walked to the bakery and read, My Antonia by Willa Cather. When I arrived at the bakery, it was busy. Most people were getting orders to go. The employee who took my order is new. She was pretty frazzled. I ordered a black icy tea and a double chocolate cookie. The conversation follows ~

Employee smiling: You want a black iced coffee and a double chocolate cookie?

Me: I want a black icy tea and a double chocolate cookie.

Employee entering my order in the computer: Ok. You want a black iced coffee and a double chocolate cookie. That will be this amount.

Me chuckling to myself, handing her my money: A black icy tea.

She smiles and nods, giving me my change.

I have no idea what I paid for, but I did get my icy black tea. πŸ˜ƒ

Your Favorites At The Cottage In August ~

August 30, 2022, The Reader’s Problems Book Tag

August 3, 2022, 10 Year Celebration The Classic’s Club

I finished reading, Sea Glass Cottage by Irene Hannon. I wasn’t going to write a review, but I will say, I really liked it. Charlie, our favorite artist and taco maker is back. He’s my favorite character in all the books. I highly recommend it.

Much love ~
