“A Maine Clambake Mystery”


“The snow is deep in Maine’s Busman’s Harbor and the mighty rivers are covered in ice. Snowden Family Clambake Company proprietor Julia Snowden and her mother, Jacqueline, are hunkered down for the winter when a mysterious package arrives – heating up February with an unexpected case of murder . . . ”  ~goodreads 

This is a good mystery. I’ve been reading these mysteries as they’ve been published, keeping up with them, and I think this one is the author’s best yet! 🙂

The plot was good. There was a good family mystery. The life in Maine during the winter, hazardous road conditions, blizzards and good characters were all well done. I especially loved Julia’s mother. She is such a tender-hearted woman. 5***** stars on goodreads! 🙂

Clammed Up

Boiled Over

Musseled Out

Fogged Inn

Iced Under

Happy Reading!

Waiting On Wednesday!

Can’t wait Wednesday is a weekly meme to spotlight and talk about the books we’re excited about that we have yet to read. Generally they are books that have yet to be released. This is hosted by Breaking the Spine. 


Oh my word! According to goodreads, To Be Where You Are, by Jan Karon, is to be released in September! YAY! I am always ready and excited for another book in the Mitford Series. If you’ve never read the Mitford books, I recommend you start at the beginning and read them in order, but I’m a read in order type of person. 🙂

“Jan Karon weaves together the everyday lives of two families, and the cast of characters that readers around the world now love like kin.” ~goodreads


May Rereads ~

I didn’t get to reread many books this month, but the one book I did read, well, it was an audio book, so I listened to it. I enjoyed it very much! YAY!


Well! I was interrupted for a moment. The fire engines are on our street. I went to see what was happening! I didn’t see much, just flashing lights, fire engines and curious citizens! Oh! I was one of those curious citizens. But, I digress . . .

It’s always fun to visit Timothy, Cynthia, Violet, Barnabus, Dooley, Puny and the rest of the gang in Mitford. Once again, I want to encourage you, if you haven’t read the Mitford books, please do, they are delightful. I plan to read another Mitford book in June.


“Vendetta,” by Lisa Harris

The Nikki Boyd Files


A teenage girl is missing, her brother is frantic with worry. A Polaroid photo of the missing girl ~ similarities to a past case ~ a race against time.

This is the first book I’ve read by Lisa Harris and I really liked it. I had trouble putting it down. I was so determined to discover what happened to the missing girl. One minute I thought she was dead, the next minute I thought she was alive.

Nikki and Tyler are great characters. Nikki has pluck. 🙂 And, she’s resilient. She has so much determination, never giving up. I loved her. Tyler is such a great guy. He’s with Nikki all the way, by her side. They have great communication skills, supportive and listening to one another.

My husband was surprised I finished it so quickly. 🙂 I really couldn’t put it down. I’m looking forward to the next book in the series ~ Missing. 

5***** stars on goodreads!


Classic Movie Friday!

Strangers On A Train (1951)

Farley Granger

Ruth Roman

Robert Walker

Patricia Hitchcock

Strangers on a Train (1951, Alfred Hitchcock) / Cinematography by Robert Burks:

This is a Hitchcock movie!

While on a train trip, Bruno Antony (Robert Walker) recognizes amateur tennis star, Guy Haines (Farley Granger). Bruno strikes up a conversation with Guy and soon murder is the topic of conversation. Bruno presents Guy with a shocking proposition ~ the perfect murder. Bruno will murder Guy’s difficult wife, freeing him to marry the woman he loves, and Guy will murder Bruno’s father. Law enforcement would never suspect either man of murdering a person they are not acquainted with and without motive. Guy Haines refuses, however, Bruno Antony murders Guy’s wife and then begins to stalk Guy, putting pressure on him to murder Bruno’s father.

This is a complicated movie. I thought it was creepy, intense and suspenseful. Robert Walker was great as a psycho/stalker. His performance could make my skin crawl.

Guy Haines was a man of integrity under difficult circumstances.

Strangers On A Train (1951) - Farley Granger and Ruth Roman:

 Good Film!

Tuesday Teaser! #TuesdayBookBlog

Tuesday Teaser is a weekly meme.

Anyone can play along! just do the following ~

  • Grab your current read.
  • Open to a random page.
  • Share two or three *teaser* sentences from somewhere on that page.
  • Be careful not to include spoilers ~ make sure what you share doesn’t give to much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others.

Share the title and the author too; so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR list if they like your teasers.

Without further ado ~


“Stone and Sand,” by Sibella Giorello is the third book in the young Raleigh Harmon Series.

In the young Raleigh Harmon Mysteries, Raleigh is in high school. These are good YA mysteries! 🙂

“No birders are at the next spot. No hand-holding couples. Nothing but the dipping sun and the lighthouse that glows candle-white in the distance, a fixed position in this constantly shifting landscape.”




Tag: Goodreads Books #2


A BIG THANK-YOU to my blogging friend, Jay, at http://www.thisismytruthnow.com

He tagged everyone on his follower list for this fun book tag. Check out his blog, he’s fun, friendly and he reads cozy mysteries! 🙂











What was the last book you marked as “READ?”


This is an audio book. It was good, but the subject matter was somewhat tough to read, but not graphic.

What are you currently reading?


I love the Mitford Series! Every time I read the Mitford books, I feel like I’ve come home. I’m listening to the audio book this time. 🙂

What was the last book you marked as TBR?


I thought it sounded like a fun read.

What book do you plan to read next?


This will be the first book I’ve read by Irene Hannon. I’m looking forward to it.

Do you use the star rating system?

Yes I do, most of the time. There are a few instances when I don’t. If I don’t finish a book, I normally won’t give it stars. If it’s a book where I am undecided as to how many stars to give it, I won’t give the book stars. There could be several reasons why I am undecided. However, most of the time I give stars.

Are you doing a 2017 reading challenge?

No, not this year. I completed a reading challenge in 2015 and 2016, but this year I decided not to participate in the challenge because I’m rereading so many books and I had no idea how many I would read throughout the year.

Do you have a wish list?


What book do you plan to buy next?

2016-844 Sibella Giorello Moon 7 (1) (1)





“The Moon Stands Still,” by Sibella Giorello




Do you have any favorite quotes? Share a few.

I do have favorite quotes, but I rarely write them down. I have a few listed on my blog.

Who are your favorite authors?

Oh my. Well. Agatha Christie, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sibella Giorello, Linda Hall, Jan Karon, C. S. Lewis, George MacDonald

Have you joined any groups”

Yes. I belong to Crusin’ Thru the Cozy Reading Challenge, Camy Tang/Camille Elliot Group, INSPY Awards Group and The Mitford Lovers Group.


All my followers and readers! 🙂 This was a fun activity. Have a great time with it! 🙂




Classic Movie Friday! ~A little early~

Life With Father (1947)

William Powell

Irene Dunne

Irene Dunne and William Powell in Life with Father:

After my recent eye surgery, I am starting to get back into the swing of things. 🙂 I’ve read a few blogs this evening. I’ve been listening to an audio book. My eye is doing good. I have a doctor appointment on Wednesday the 24th. I’m posting Classic Movie Friday a little early.

In the midst of all the crazy, Dad loves his wife dearly and is proud of his sons! That’s how I would sum up this classic movie.

Clarence Day (William Powell) is a difficult man, to say the least, but I do believe, over the years, his lovely wife Vinnie (Irene Dunne) has learned how to manage her tyrant of a husband. She certainly has an interesting way of thinking. 🙂 Everything does work out in the end.

Psssst. Come close. Closer. You’re not close enough. 🙂 Ahh. That’s better.  This is highly confidential. I don’t like Elizabeth Taylor. *GASP* In this movie she has a HIGH-pitched squeal when she cries that could put a siren on an emergency vehicle to shame! WOW! That girl could squeal! I’ve seen her in three or four movies and I didn’t care for her in any of them.

Have you seen Life with Father? ENJOY!

Hello friends! 🙂 As many of you know, I had eye surgery yesterday. And! I guess the best place to start is the beginning.

I was scheduled for surgery at 7:00 am, so it was an early morning. I was nervous but I kept humming a song and it helped considerably.

The medical staff was so nice. Two nurses talked to me and put drops in my eye, hooked me up to an IV, etc. The anesthesiologist visited with me for awhile and told me what to expect. They weren’t putting me completely to sleep because they wanted some interaction with me during the procedure. The doctor visited me. He spoke softly and patted my arm. Everyone was kind and compassionate.

They wheeled me into surgery and I don’t really remember very much. The doctor taped my head to the table because they didn’t want my head moving at all. The anesthesiologist said something to me, but I don’t know what he said. (Rick thinks that’s funny). Then I saw colored lights and I made a comment about the lights, someone said something to me and then I was in recovery with my husband and a nurse. I had a patch over my eye, which I need to wear during the night for a few days. Someone handed me cookies and bottled water. I remember eating the cookies. I was starving!

I didn’t like the anesthesia! It made me feel creepy and I needed help to walk. I was wobbly. But, the anesthesia did the job!

I remember eating breakfast in a white cloud, then we were at home and I slept until 2:00 pm.

This morning I had an appointment with my doctor and I thought he was going to do a happy dance!!! Seriously, my vision is 20/25 the day after surgery!!! Apparently, that is unusual. Everything is clear and bright, especially blue! I can watch a movie, without glasses!!! I’ll need a new prescription for my glasses, in thirty days, because my vision is AMAZING now.

I’m putting medication in my eyes four times a day and I need to see my eye doctor next week.

Thank-you so much for all your prayers and encouraging words!!!

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 ~NIV